A cold, dark house, sick parents: the heartbreaking life of the Ristić children!
When we speak of Kosovo and Metohija, it is important to realize that it is not just a discussion of politics. Kosovo and Metohija is a region where to this day some of our most sacred places are found and where our modern day heroes live. There is unfortunately little interest or concern for the many families living in remote villages struggling to survive. But the Charity organization Serbs for Serbs, in cooperation with the Diocese of Raška-Prizren, is working hard in every possible way to get necessary help to these families.
One such family is the Ristić family. They live in the village of Bosce, in an old, cold house that they don’t own. The effects of the harsh living conditions can be seen in the faces of the family. Father Budimir suffers from multiple sclerosis, while mother Dubravka often goes to the hospital because of psychological problems. Thankfully, the couple’s four children – Lazar (7), Luka (6), Milica (5) and Bojan (1) are healthy. Through social assistance, child allowance and disability pension from Serbia, in addition to food provided by diocese run soup kitchens, the Ristićs manage to somehow survive. But this is far from enough, and the children are growing up without necessary material needs.
“We live the best we can, but it’s hard on me because of the children. I would like for us to be in our own home because it would be somehow easier. As it is, we don’t know what tomorrow will bring”, said Budimir, struggling to speak because of his illness.
The Ristićs have experienced nothing but poverty and anxiety each and every day. The dreams of these children are the same modest dreams as those of other children from extremely poor families. When asked what he would like for next year’s Christmas, seven-year-old Lazar replied:
“I would like us to have our own rooms, lots of toys, and for mother and father to be healthy.”
A visit from the Humanitarian Organization Serbs for Serbs has brought hope to the Ristić home. Following the visit, Serbs for Serbs visited Budimir’s brother who lives in a nearby village. He and his wife are expecting their first child but don’t have permanent living arrangements. The plan is to build a house where both families can live, and where the brother would assume responsibility for the care of the household and the children.
Fundraising for this project is already underway and 30,000 euros is needed to build the Ristić family a new home. Similar projects were recently completed for the Pržić and Stojanović families in Kosovo and Metohija. It’s time for the Ristić family to have a future where they, too, can experience the joys of the holidays.
To help the Ristić family, choose one of the following payment options. Please mark your donation “for Ristić family”. The way to help write our new CHRISTMAS STORY is by making a donation to our charity. Here is how you can do so:
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- Personal or business check: Serbs for Serbs, Po Box 34206 Chicago, IL 60634
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- Personal or business check: Serbs for Serbs Canada, 635 The Queensway, Lower Level, Toronto, ON, M8Y 3B3
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- Pay Pal: http://www.paypal.me/szscrnagora
Also, you can donate to one of our 350 donation boxes – https://www.srbizasrbe.org/donatorske-kutije/
Following the conclusion of the Ristić family fundraiser, photos of the house and detailed reports of all expenses will be made available for all to see. Detailed information regarding all of our fundraisers, including donor names and expenses is posted on http://www.srbizasrbe.org/ and https://www.serbsforserbs.org/ websites.
The Charity organization Serbs for Serbs was formed 13 years ago, has 10 chapters worldwide, and has to date raised over 3.000.000 Euros and helped over 2,300 families in the Balkans with multiple children.