A house without children’s smiles! A house where it’s colder than outside! Let’s help the Antic sisters!
We always rejoice when we see a lot of girls in a family. They are a special joy because their smiles brighten every home and make it a more beautiful place to live. However, what happens when the situation is so difficult that those smiles are missing and the dominant emotions are sadness and uncertainty, which are most evident on the faces of girls?
Unfortunately, the best answer to this question is given by Elena (10), Anastasia (9), Tatjana (7), Nikolina (6) and Isidora (5). They are still small when you consider their age, but big in terms of the problems and misfortunes that they have dealt with, practically from birth. Taught not to expect much from life, they welcomed us modestly in conditions not fit for the life of any child in the 21st century.
The Antić family lives in the village of Gornja Mutnica near Paraćin, fighting each day for a better tomorrow!
In order to get to know them better, we wanted to find out what they would most like to have. The oldest Elena, without much thought, answered us in one word:
A house!
The answer, which touched us deeply, because we had expected an answer typical of her peers, showed us that these children do not have the opportunity to think about anything else when they do not have even the basics.
Until a year ago, the situation in the house was hopeless when the family lived without electricity and a bathroom. The family no longer lives in complete darkness because they managed to pay off the electricity bill.
As for the bathroom, I bought material, tiles, a shower stall and a toilet, there are still some small things left to buy so that we can build it. We have been trying to collect money for years because the children suffer a lot because they do not have a bathroom – said the father, Siniša, who works all week in a private company in Ćuprija.
In addition to the five girls, the family also includes mother Jelena, sons Filip (15) and Vuk (2), grandmother Dragica and Siniša’s brother Dragiša. They have almost no other income because the family does not receive child allowance and social assistance.
A house without a facade, with poor carpentry, cracked walls, unfinished rooms and moisture that appears in certain places, indicates that renovation, furnishings and repair are urgently needed.
Our kitchen fell apart. The pipes broke … The only electrical devices that work are the TV and the freezer. Everything else from the furniture is about to fall apart. It would mean a lot to us if we tidied up the rooms, furnished the house and finished the bathroom. Then the children would have everything they need to grow up normally said – mother Jelena.
The family has a garden by the house, which they cultivate and use for their needs. As they tell us, it would help them to have a tractor and a motorbike, so that they could have an additional source of income because their father often worked in the woods before his current job.
The Charity organization Serbs for Serbs is launching a large project to help the Antic family! We invite all donors to join us so that we can bring the children their first smiles and the house they have always wanted and deserve!
Here is how you can donate: