• January 20, 2025
 Chicago rickshaw drivers for the children of Kosovo and Metohija

Chicago rickshaw drivers for the children of Kosovo and Metohija

As we enter the cold Chicago winter in this unstable pandemic year, the Serbian rickshaw driver’s community has decided once again to give back.

The group of young, hard-working Serbian men who peddle their rickshaws in the Chicago heat to earn a living decided to pool together some of their hard-earned wages and make a donation to help Serbian children in Kosovo and Metohija. This year was greatly compromised by the Covid 19 pandemic and tourism in Chicago was almost non-existent. Even so, these young men risked their health and safety to make a living so they can provide for themselves and their families, which makes their donation even more special.

Knowing there were slim pickings, they still felt the need to help and collected $2,100 for struggling Serbian families. On behalf of the Serbs for Serbs family, we would like to thank all of the Serbian Rickshaw Drivers of Chicago for their tremendous contribution for a fourth year in a row.

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