Crna Trava is “melting” like a ball of snow, the population is getting smaller, and the six Spasićs are “cramped” into 25 sq. metres of living space!
Crna Trava – the smallest and one of the poorest municipalities, has been “melting” like a ball of snow for decades. Since 1953, when almost 14,000 people lived in Crna Trava, according to the last census held ten years ago, only 1,660 people remain.
How seldom children are born in this municipality is shown by the fact that no child was born in Crna Trava in 2013! Concerned about this situation, we went to visit one of the few families with several children.
We moved in last year because we got jobs. The income is small, but at least we can feed the children – father Vladan Spasić told us.
Vladan works as a fireman in the health centre, while the mother, Jasmina, works in the Jumko factory. The Spasić family has four children: Sofija (13), Kristina (12), Ekatarina (6) and Mihailo (4).
We are renting the house from the Municipality. We pay 1,800 dinars per month for this 25 sq. metre one bedroom apartment. As you can see, it is too cramped here and our furniture is not in the best condition – continues the father.
Their wonderful, well mannered children showed us their toys, and they are especially attached to their pet. As they tell us, they would like to have their own rooms and a nicer bathroom.
There are houses for sale in this area. We don’t need much, even an old house, to be our own. Well, if you are able to provide us with that, it would mean a lot – Vladan answered when asked how we could help them.
The charity organization Serbs for Serbs is launching another big project to buy a house for the large Spasić family!
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