EVERY STEP IS AGONY: Andreja (16) “drags” herself every day to her fifth floor apartment, in a building without an elevator!
“She drags herself up the railing, climbs slowly… When she gets tired, I take her in my arms and carry her. We live on the fifth floor of a building without an elevator, and Andreja (16) has difficulty walking due to an illness, making it a struggle to provide her with a normal daily life“, said Goran Stevanović from Niš, who lives alone with three children, as he began his story.
In this family, numerous health problems pose a daily challenge. Andreja has had 27 surgeries so far due to a missing portion of the shin bone.
“There are cycles where we have undergone several surgeries within a few months, and so far we have been to Russia several times for surgeries that helped her and reduced the great pain she has experienced for years,” explains Goran, adding that his eldest daughter is a great fighter.
Goran is dedicated to his children and tries to provide them with the best possible conditions, despite extremely difficult circumstances. Hidden behind his smile and the positive outlook that he conveys to his children, are years of lonely struggle and sacrifice. His struggle is not only physical, but also emotional and psychological, as he faces daily challenges brought on by his children’s health problems. However, he never loses hope and faith, doing his best to provide them with love, support, hope and stability.
“Dad means everything in the world to us,” says Viktor (13), while showing us a birthday card that all three gave him recently.
Although they live in a cramped 30 square meter apartment, Goran managed to create a parallel world for his children, which they affectionately call the “animal kingdom“. Their home is filled with love and care for animals. So far, they have especially cared for those that are injured. Goran and the children heal them, take care of them and return them to nature when they recover. At the moment, they have a rabbit Teo, a parrot Mića, a fish, as well as an injured pigeon that they have not yet named. This “involvement with animals” helps them for at least a moment to forget about everyday problems.
“Some people told us that a zoo is for outside, not here” – Vasilija (9) commented on the negative comments of some neighbors who often lack compassion.
Andreja, who is now in her second year of art school, finds solace in her artistic expression and love for animals. She humbly showed us her work and shared an interesting story about her parrot.
“When I was little and could not walk at all, my pet nymph parrot gave me the greatest strength. We slept together, hung out during the day. He was the biggest motivator for me to walk, Andreja told us while holding a photo in which we can see how close they were.
At school they tease me, telling me to buy a leg at the kiosk
Unfortunately, Viktor also faces great challenges every day due to a dislocated knee that makes it difficult for him to move.
“My friends at school often make fun of me and say that I should buy a new leg at the kiosk…clearly they are not my friends.“
Recently, Viktor, Andreja and their family were in Russia to have operations, although the journey there and back took great effort and was a struggle, it was especially so due to the ongoing war.
“The operations are especially important to Andreja to lengthen her shin and ease the pain in her right leg, and we are very optimistic that we will permanently solve Viktor’s problem as well” – explains Goran, who with the help of good people and the City of Niš secured money for a several-month stay in Russia.
Without a computer and other necessary means to keep up with his lessons, Victor often lags behind his peers, which further affects his self-confidence.
“We don’t have a computer, and now that I am taking computer science, the teacher asks me to at least have a cell phone to use for some work, but, unfortunately, I don’t even have a phone“, explains Viktor in a sad voice, pointing out how his lack of basic learning resources makes him an easy target for teasing.
Taking Andreja and Viktor to school, to the doctor or the nearby park every day is a big challenge for Goran. These activities require a lot of physical effort.
“It is important to me that we have a house, at least two rooms and that we have a yard. To know that my children are here and that there are no more obstacles for a normal life. We believe in miracles and we pray to St. Andrew, our patron saint, and St. Basil of Ostrog to help us. We will continue to fight as we have all along“, Goran ends the conversation with words full of hope.
The Charity Serbs for Serbs is launching a major fundraising campaign for the Stevanović family. Let’s help these fighters get a new house, which would make their lives much easier!
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