Gligorijevic’s little ones send their thanks to CO Serbs for Serbs from the afflicted Kosovo!
What a joy was felt in the long-suffering Kosovo and Metohija in the home of the young family Gligorijevic! The three colored flag was proudly flying on another legacy of our organization, made for the salvation and preservation of our fellow countrymen.
Immeasurable happiness on the faces of everyone present, there to magnify the celebration arranged by the Gligorijevic family from the village of Novake by Prizren in their newly built home in Štrpce. The entire festivity was enhanced by little Darja in a traditional Serbian outfit, welcoming us with homemade bread adorned with the motifs of our organization as a token of gratitude.
The heaven rejoiced for this God-pleasing work, as did all of us, once we saw how happy and grateful the Gligorijevic family was. They were most certainly deserving, especially bearing in mind that the head of the family Branimir, aside from his regular job, also took care of delivering medicine and food for numerous old households in the area, with no one there to take care of them. He was also often at the service of father Mihailo, the abbot of the Monastery of Holy Archangels at Prizren for all the things regarding the economy of the Monastery, who was the reason this family was brought to our attention for providing aid.
Branimir and his wife Milica could not hide their happiness. They knew they have surmounted a large obstacle in life and that the upbringing would be somewhat easier for their youngsters Matija (8), Darja (6) and Andrija (3). As easy as it can be to grow up in our forgotten Kosmet.
We are beyond happy! Thank you from the bottom of our hearts and may God bless you – were the excited words of Branimir, better known as Mirče.
As a reminder, the family used to live in a small return house, in the village of Novake by Prizren, with Branimir’s father. The crowded space was not the only reason to begin a large project of building a family home for the Gligorijevic family, but also the long distance from the Štrpce itself, to which the family was tied with work and school obligations of the youngest.
Aside from building a 75m2 house, it was also equipped with the most basic furniture and appliances, and on top, the family was provided with a greenhouse, a motor cultivator, as well as material for building a pigsty. This made the project complete, given that the family was enabled to achieve additional revenue through agriculture and animal husbandry. The entire aid for the Gligorijevic family amounted to 45,000 euros.
You are always welcome to visit us and be our guests, whenever you can and when you are staying in these parts of our land. We will try our hardest to preserve everything we were given, and if God gives us health to expand our family now that we have better living conditions – Branimir added.
The kids already picked their rooms, organized their school accessories and toys and determined who will sleep where. As will all the kids who for the first time in their life sensed the joy of having their own room, the first wish was of course to have friends over.
I will call my friend Zvezdana to come, so that we can play and I can show her what my room looks like – Darja, the new first grader, said.
We leave the Gligorijevics to enjoy their new house and the new life opportunities that have been provided to them. We are moving our attention to other regions of the Balkans, where dozens of other similar projects are ongoing.