“I dream of a beautiful white house” – let’s bring joy to children, who live amid grimy walls, as they await Christmas!
On cold winter nights, while holiday lights brighten homes around the world, many children in the Balkans welcome Christmas in homes shrouded in darkness, cold, and filled with anxiety. The walls are black with soot, the ceilings leak, and the windows, covered with old rags, barely let in the sun’s rays. What is most lacking in such homes is the light and whiteness that bring holiday joy.
Believing that no child should have to experience the holidays under such conditions, we have focused all our efforts on making this Christmas the brightest!
That’s why, this year, by building white houses for vulnerable families, we are bringing more than just a “roof over their heads.” White houses represent the victory of light over darkness and hope over hopelessness. They are a symbol of a new beginning, a place where Christmas joy and togetherness will shine in full glory!
Every white house will be a story of transformation. A story of warm, bright homes where children can grow, learn, and rejoice peacefully.
Homes where the only wish, as we often hear, will no longer be, a “beautiful white house”!
The more white houses that shine across the Balkans, the further the good news of the birth of the Christ Child will spread, bringing hope to those who need it most.
The Charity organisation Serbs for Serbs calls on all good people to join forces to provide “beautiful white houses” for Ivana, Mirko, Biljana, Stefan, Magdalena and hundreds of other vulnerable children.
Join our new Christmas campaign, let it be a testimony of Christ’s love and mercy!
Ivana (4)
“They are so close in age,” comes to mind as you step over the threshold of the modest house of the Šamanac family in Uzdin near Kovačica and see six children with eyes full of sorrow.
The eponymous story by Jean-Philippe Arrou-Vignod tells of the adventures of a family where six boys, all named Jacques, grow up. To make things even more peculiar, the Šamanac family followed a similar pattern, giving their children similar names. Thus, we have Ivan (2) and Ivana (4), Dunja (6) and Danijela (9), Nikola (11), and Nina (12).
„Једва смо сакупили 1.000 евра за кућу”, рекли су нам њихови родитељи, показујући на објекат за који би мало ко помислио да је некоме потребан, а још мање да би неко желео да га купи. „Како ли су раније живели ови малишани?”, намеће се питање.
“We barely managed to saved up 1,000 euros for the house,” their parents told us, pointing to a structure few would think anyone would need, much less want to buy. “How did these children live before?” the question arises.
Ivana’s greatest wish is to get a house full of toys!
We plan to provide the Šamanc family with a house. More than 50,000 euros are needed to complete the project.
Mirko (6)
The Jaćimović family lives in Koprivna near Modriča. The family consists of father Arsenije, mother Ruža and children Milica (16), Marica (11), Marija (9), Mirko (6) and Magdalena (5). The three older children, unfortunately, suffer from epilepsy and asthma. Milica was even in a coma!
The Jaćimović house is in extremely bad condition. It has cracks because it is located on a landslide.
Magdalena, Mirko, and Marija’s greatest wish is to have a house that will be safe to live in!
We plan to provide the Jaćimović family with a house. More than 50,000 euros are needed to complete the project.
Biljana (2)
In Mokrin near Kikinda, lives the impoverished Mijucin family. Father Milan and mother Anđelija are raising four children and a granddaughter – Sanja (19), Branislava (17), Nevena (16), Ognjen (7) and Biljana (2). They spend their days in a dilapidated and unsafe tiny house with crumbling walls on all sides. No matter how hard you try to find a single thing in their home that looks even remotely new, you will quickly give up because there isn’t any. They have been without electricity for three years!
Little Ognjen, unfortunately, has certain developmental challenges and epilepsy, so he occasionally goes to Novi Sad for treatment and has started attending a school in Kikinda for students with developmental disabilities.
Biljana’s greatest wish is to grow up under a safe roof where she can watch cartoons!
We plan to provide the Mijucin family with a house. More than 50,000 euros are needed to complete the project.
Milan (8), Stefan (9) and Andrija (10)
The Bozić family consists of single mother Ivana and her four children Nikola (16), Andrija (10), Stefan (9), Milan (8), and also their immobile grandmother Zorica. This family from the village of Lece near Medveđa is struggling to make ends meet, and it is further complicated by the health problems that mother Ivana has with her joints, bones, and cartilage.
It is difficult to determine what is in the worst condition in their home. The cramped living in two rooms, the cracked ceilings, the lack of water or the humidity that permeates every wall… The house is not even theirs, it is owned by the mining company.
Milan, Stefan, and Andrija’s greatest wish is to have their own house, closer to the city, the hospital, school, and their friends!
We plan to provide the Bozić family with a house in Medvedja. More than 50,000 euros are needed to complete the project.
How to be a part of the Christmas fundraiser?
1. SMS to 7763 (200 RSD)2. Account: 160-279491-71, Banka Intesa
2. Pay Pal
3. Foreign currency account
1. Call 17763 (2 КМ)
2. Account: 56201281300241-58 (NLB bank)
3. Pay Pal
1. Account: 510-91548-03 (CKG bank)
2. Pay Pal
1. Donation platform (credit card, bank account)
2. Pay Pal
3. ZELLE: szsamerika@gmail.com
4.Check to: Serbs for Serbs, Po Box 34206 Chicago, IL 60634
*all donors exercise the right to tax deductions
1. Pay Pal
2. Check to: Serbs for Serbs Canada, 635 The Queensway, Lower Level, Toronto, ON, M8Y 3B3
3. Е-transfer to: donate@serbsforserbs.ca
*all donors exercise the right to tax deductions
1. IBAN: DE97 7606 9559 0002 7519 92
2. Pay Pal
3. Send text SZS to 81190 (2.99 Euro)
*all donors exercise the right to tax deductions
1. Konto: 61-335679-5
IBAN:CH57 0900 0000 6133 5679 5
Hedwigstrasse 3, 8032 Zurich
2. Twint: donate.raisenow.io/stbdh
3. Pay Pal
*all donors exercise the right to tax deductions
1. IBAN:AT97 3200 0000 1036 4339
Customer: Org. f. hum. Hilfe – Srbi za Srbe
Kalvariengürtel 39/6, 8020 Graz Austria
2. Pay Pal
3. Call 0901 300 201 (3 Euro)
1. SWISH: 1230 133 900
2. Pay Pal
3. Bank Giro: 5302-1077
4. Account: 5226 1060 858
1. VIPPS: 104 414
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3. Account: 1503 83 80483
1. Donations via Bank Account:
BSB: 032-278
Account No: 878615
Bank: Westpac
2. Pay Pal
3. Donations via PayID
PayID Type: ABN
PayID: 57472783829
4. Donations via Cheque:
Check to Serbs for Serbs Inc, 18 Mantle Ave, North Richmond NSW 2754, Australia
*The first photo of the text shows little Jovana from Niš. We helped her and her family with the renovation of their house. It’s time to help other children too!