• March 14, 2025
 Little Luka takes care of his gravely ill sister Lana – a brother-and-sister love that has no end!

Little Luka takes care of his gravely ill sister Lana – a brother-and-sister love that has no end!

Many songs have been sung, many books have been written, describing the love between a brother and sister. In the Lazarević family home, in Kutleš, by Leskovac, we witnessed a love that surpassed any we had ever seen.

Shortly after her birth, little Lana (3) was diagnosed with cirrhosis of the liver, and doctors said when she turns 3, a transplant would be possible. Several associations launched a humanitarian action to raise the large amount of money required to cover the operation that would likely be done in Italy.

Awaiting the operation and hoping all will end well, little Lana is taken care of by her brother, Luka (8).

We are all with Lana and want her to get well, and as her only brother, I try to be by her side the most – Luka told us at the start of our conversation, while his sister hugged him.

And the real closeness we felt between the sister and brother, along with Lana’s smile, for a moment distracted us from the very difficult situation this family lives with.
Igor and Ljiljana are also raising Petra (16), Aleksandra (13) and Sanja (10). Grandmother Gordana also lives with them. The eight of them live in a damp home, with an unfinished floor, no functioning bathroom, no washing machine and without almost everything every family needs for a normal life.

My husband and I do not work, and our only income is social assistance and child allowance in the amount of 30,000 dinars. Unfortunately, due to our daughter’s illness half of the money goes for her medication and examinations, as Lana is being treated in Tiršova. As well, we have a 40 acre garden, a greenhouse and several hectares of land, so we grow vegetables for our use – the mother tells us.

The Lazarevićs had a big problem with electricity, and lived in the dark for several months. Because of life’s hardships, they were not able to pay the bill, which is now around 350,000 dinars. They solved the problem with the electricity, but the debt remains.

It was awful those several months, especially because it was winter. The children studied by candlelight, and the five children were very scared. With the help of good people we built a bathroom, which we didn’t have, and for which we still need a hydrophore and septic tank so that it will be functional, and the children would no longer bathe in a trough with water heated on the stove – father Igor explains all the problems facing this family.

Due to problems with vision and hearing, the father has difficulty finding a job, and takes work whenever he has the chance. He tells us a tractor would make things easier as the part of the land is forested, and would enable him to cut wood, and help others and make money.

Despite all of this, the little Lazarevićs are the most positive part of the family. They get along and are full of energy, and show us that harmony and love can make up for much that is missing.

I would like to have a mower, so I could be a mower and mow grass all day – Lazar makes us all laugh by sharing this greatest wish of his.

The Charity organization Serbs for Serbs is launching a big fundraiser to help the Lazarević family! Lana, Luka, Petra, Aleksandra and Sanja deserve for us to be with them during their most difficult moments and for us to help them as much as we can.

Here is how you can donate:

1. SMS to 7763 (200 RSD)
2. Account: 160-279491-71, Banka Intesa
4. Foreign currency account:
IBAN: RS35160005400003357267
Customer: Srbi za Srbe
Bank: Banca Intesa, Milentija Popovica 7b, Beograd
1. Call 17763 (2 КМ)
2. Account: 56201281300241-58 (NLB bank)
1. SWISH: 1230 133 900
3. Bank Giro: 5302-1077
4. Account: 5226 1060 858
3. Check to: Serbs for Serbs, Po Box 34206 Chicago, IL 60634
*all donors exercise the right to tax deductions
2. Check to: Serbs for Serbs Canada, 635 The Queensway, Lower Level, Toronto, ON, M8Y 3B3
3. Е-transfer to: donate@serbsforserbs.ca
*all donors exercise the right to tax deductions
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3. IBAN: DE84 7606 0618 0002 7519 92
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3. Call 0901 300 201 (3 Euro)
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3. Account: 1503 83 80483
1. Account: 510-91548-03 (CKG bank)

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