“Mama, please don’t cry!” – The poverty of the Babić family is a tragedy for all of society!
Snezana Babić could not hold back her tears while talking about her family’s difficult life. Watching silently was three-year-old Milica, whose eyes seemed to say “Mama, please don’t cry!”
The Babićs live in an old wooden hut in the village of Šekular between Berane and Andrijevica, eight kilometers from the main road. Everyone sleeps in one bedroom on three dilapidated couches!
This is a tragedy for all of society, to have cases like this. We have to help them! – said priest Milenko Ralević, who brought us to the family.
Little Milica is the youngest, and there are also Sava (6), Zdravko (8) and Sara (9). They are bright children who deserve more than life is currently offering them.
I would like to have my own house where I can do my homework. I would also like a bathroom! – the eldest daughter shared her simple childhood wishes.
And we always ask ourselves, is it really that hard to make sure that at least our children don’t live like this? Where is everybody?
We live from the sale of milk and cheese, and we also receive social assistance. I try as hard as I can to take care of them. I go to work whenever they call, but you see for yourself what the situation is like. Unfortunately, our land is barren – father Radojko laments.
The only beauty in the life of this family is the view. But you can’t survive from that…
More than anything in the world, I would like to be able to provide better conditions for our children to grow up in. At least not to bathe in the trough and not to go to an outdoor toilet in the cold, rain and snow – added Snezana, who could not hide her mother’s sorrow.
Also living with them is Radojko’s brother, Dejan, whose facial features reflect all the hardships of life.
I like playing the ‘gusle’ the most, that’s what my uncle teaches me! – said Zdravko, a hard-working boy who shares his child’s perspective.
Milica, Sava, Zdravko and Sara urgently need to have a new house built for them. These kids deserve it!
The Charity organization Serbs for Serbs is launching a large fundraising campaign to provide the Babić family with better living conditions. We invite all good people around the world, through their donations, to help with the realization of this project!
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