• March 14, 2025
 Only at Christmas and Easter do they have a chance to taste meat – Martin and Matija (12) pick strawberries and carry crates to collect money for soccer cleats!

Only at Christmas and Easter do they have a chance to taste meat – Martin and Matija (12) pick strawberries and carry crates to collect money for soccer cleats!

My children only eat meat at Christmas and Easter. Sometimes they ask for it, but I don’t have the means. And then I cry, feeling guilty that I don’t have the opportunity to provide them with better living conditions. Every morning they cross themselves and pray to God to get a house! – thus starts the story Milan Jevtić from Marenovo near Varvarin.

Martin and Matija (12) live in really difficult conditions. While other children are playing, they go to make money with their father, picking strawberries and carrying crates. While other children buy new phones, they collect money for soccer cleats and a ball. While other children grow up carefree, they sleep in a cold room in the same bed with their parents, covering themselves with as many blankets as possible because of the cold, staring at the sunken ceiling of their dilapidated house.

They are scared. When we had the earthquake, the house almost collapsed. If there is a slightly stronger earthquake next time, the house will be gone. It’s a disaster. But they are hardworking, they help. They want to make money with me. It’s small amounts, but they collect, collect, collect and then buy sneakers – continues Milan.

Alongside them live mother Žaklina, Nikola (21) who has developmental disabilities, Nenad (20), Tamara (17) and Nemanja (15). They all share three rooms in an old house and have only two beds.

It is most difficult for us with Nikola. There were problems during his birth, some brain damage, leaving him disabled and unable to speak. He understands a little bit, but he doesn’t know how to answer. We have to be with him all the time, to bathe him, to feed him. God forbid he goes out on his own, he was recently somewhere and didn’t know how to come back. When I work, my wife is here, when she works, I don’t go anywhere and so on. While we can, we will fight for him, then one day his brothers and sisters will care for him.

The Jevtići do not have a bathroom. They bathe in a trough and use an outhouse. Their house is literally falling apart, full of moisture and mold. A good part of the outer wall has come off, so they are covering it with a tarp!

I heat the water on the stove, then use it in the kitchen for bathing. That kitchen is our bedroom and bathroom, everything. It’s very difficult when you don’t have a bathroom, especially for a female child. It’s just a disaster in winter! – mother Žaklina joined in.

Seventeen-year-old Tamara is forced to share a bed with her brothers. She knows how to do all the household chores and has no problem performing them in addition to studying.

I am an excellent student and I want to enter the Faculty of Economics in Niš.” I don’t know if my parents will have the funds, but I will try somehow to earn money for my continuing education. To make it easier for them too! – pointed out Tamara.

Brothers Nemanja and Nenad help a lot with supporting the family. They have been doing hard physical work since they were 13 years old!

I don’t go on excursions because my parents are in a difficult financial situation. It is more important for me to provide something that is necessary for everyday life, than to go somewhere for two days. It’s not that important to me. I dream of having a bathroom and my own room. Not to be a nuisance to my sister or brothers. And my wish is to be a tiler – continued fifteen-year-old Nemanja.

As for Martin and Matija, mentioned at the beginning of the story, apart from sharing the common desire of the whole family to have a house and a bathroom, they told us a few things:

I would like to be a carpenter or a videographer, and Matija a craftsman. We don’t have a car, but we like to watch others fix them. We stand to the side and watch. We can’t go on YouTube because our computer doesn’t work. We would also like to keep some animals, now we only have chickens. Our friends have never come to visit us, we are ashamed to bring them because we don’t have what other children have!

It is sad that six children live like this, worrying for their mere survival. For a long time, they were without electricity and used candles. Now they have received a final warning before disconnection due to an outstanding bill of 16,000 dinars. The father says:

You don’t know where you’re going to turn first, whether you’re going to buy something for the children or for the house, when I receive social assistance I don’t know which bills to pay first. We live on potatoes, beans and soup, we don’t even have the basic groceries in the house. Everything has become more expensive!

A humble and happy family where everyone is struggling, from the oldest to the youngest. Grown up too soon, aware of their situation, yet filled with hope. The Jevtićs really deserve support and the wind at their backs!

The Charity Serbs for Serbs is launching a campaign with the aim of buying a house for the Jevtić family. We invite all good people to support this project with their donations. Let’s give them a chance for a better life!


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