“That’s where we bathe and eat!” – with striking golden hair, the little Radivojevićs defy the darkness in the house!
Lit up town squares, decorated homes and sumptuous tables – these are what we first associate with the upcoming holidays. Unfortunately, in the Radivojević family home in Trnjan near Doboj, instead of a richly laden table, we found a dining room that connected to the bathroom!
We bathe and eat in the same room – these are the words of little Ljubisava (10), that left us speechless.
Although still small, Ljubica is aware of the situation in which her family finds itself. Cracked walls, dilapidated woodwork patched up with blankets, a concrete floor and an outhouse – this is a harsh reality for her and five other children, with striking golden hair, as if defying the darkness in the house!
Savo is 14 years old, Vaso is 12, Milivoj is 9, Siniša is 7 and Nevenka is 6. The five of us sleep with my mother in one bed, and my father and our youngest sister sleep separately. That’s why my biggest wish is to have my own bed – said Ljubisava.
Hard-working parents, mother Gordana and father Stanko, struggle every day to brighten their children’s childhoods and to lead them on the right path.
My husband does heavy physical work while I mainly care for the children. We managed to get a loan to build a pigsty so we are currently keeping pigs and other farm animals. We also plant corn. The children are obedient and like to help us, so we manage to get everything done – said Gordana.
The house they live in is not entirely theirs. Stanko’s brother lives upstairs with his two children. As they say, there are mostly elderly people in the area, so a house full of children is the only hope for the people of Trnjan, hoping to avoid yet another area in Republika Srpska disappearing due to the low birth rate.
It is difficult to raise children in these conditions. However, they give us the strength to fight. My dear children. As a mother, my biggest wish is to renovate the house and finally have a proper bathroom – said Gordana.
The harmony that exists among the children is a true indicator of the love and unity in this family. They play together, help their parents together and go to school together.
We play dodgeball. We also like to help our parents. Ljubisava cooks and washes the dishes, Savo mostly helps around animals and I like to chop wood – said twelve-year-old Vaso.
Aware of the challenges faced by the Radivojevićs, the Charity Serbs for Serbs has decided to launch a major fundraising campaign. Our goal is to renovate and furnish this hardworking family’s house.
Let’s light the flame of hope in the home of the Radivojević family!
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