• February 5, 2025
 Where is justice here ??? Anya (9) from Bujanovac is suffering from leukemia and lives in an inconclusive house in which the wind blows from all sides!

Where is justice here ??? Anya (9) from Bujanovac is suffering from leukemia and lives in an inconclusive house in which the wind blows from all sides!

Little Anya Stojmenović from the village Žbevec near Bujanovac is leading her life struggle – the fight against leukemia. Fight for her health!

Her family is composed of a young married couple Milos and Mary and two other children – Martin (12) and Tamara (7). This modest family lives very hard, and in all this, Anya was diagnosed last year with leukemia. Since then Stojmenovićs has been fighting all the forces to make her better. She is currently in the chemotherapy process and left her with another year of treatment. It is therefore necessary to always wear a face mask.

But what does the mask help when the house in which they live in a disastrous state? source: Facebook

Stojmenović’s house, unfortunately, could not be build up to the end, so the living room where most of the time spent is completely improvised – enclosed with bricks and covered with some kind of roof (the roof can not be called!). In a room the wind blows from all sides, which is especially dangerous for little Anya!

With the onset of Anya’s disease, all their hopes to be able to finish the house have fallen into the water … In addition to child allowance and social assistance, father Miloš repairs cars without all required tools and workshops, underneath the clear sky and often in a bad weather, but there is no other choice in order to provide the means for the life of his family, Anya’s treatment, medicines, and frequent visits to doctors in Niš and Belgrade. Stojmenovićs are trying as much as they can and with the help of good people they manage to collect enough money for Anya’s treatment. But the house remains an inconvenient problem … Finishing a house is a great expense for every family, especially in families where one of the children is seriously ill!

Nevertheless, small Anya needs better living conditions! source: Facebook Not only is the house unfinished, but even everyone sleeps on one bed and a mattress. Five of them! A new hope in the Stojmenović family home arouse by the members of the Charity Organization Serbs for Serbs who decided to include this family as a priority in the assistance program.Anya, thank God, has caring parents and brothers and sisters who don’t allow her to feel neglected. They stick together, they are friendly and they like to play. With positive energy, they give parents enough strength to continue to fight for them. That’s why Anya we were not supprised by the smile on her face that does not come down, nor the answer we got to question what she would like most to have. She told us that she had the greatest desire to have her closet so she could place in her things to keep playing like other kids. From now on, our organization has taken care to solve the housing problem of Stojmenović family as soon as possible in order to keep that heaviest battle for health in normal conditions. It’s time to show that we are a responsible society and take care of our children. No special calls are required for this action. Just share the appeal and donate!

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Donation platform (VISA, Mastercard, Pay Pal…): http://www.srbizasrbe.org/donacije/


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  3. Pay Pal: https://www.paypal.me/szssrbija


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  2. Check to: Serbs for Serbs Canada, 635 The Queensway, Lower Level, Toronto, ON, M8Y 3B3
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