Will Christmas come to their homes too?
The holidays are fast approaching, and many of us look forward to spending time with our loved ones. In the warmth and comfort of our homes, gifts are being wrapped for St. Nicholas to deliver to the children.
The children, knowing that their parents are their connection to St. Nicholas, tell them their gift wish list, and promise to be good all year long. When Christmas morning finally arrives, it is the happiest moment for every child – St. Nicholas is bringing gifts!
Unfortunately, in many homes, there is no such festive scene for the children. The harsh reality is that for children living in poverty, the celebration of Christ’s birth is just like any other day – a piece of bread and a glass of milk, shivering in a cold, dilapidated house, fearful that at any moment they could lose what little they have.
In the Christian tradition, St. Nicholas is a symbol of generosity, mercy, and a protector of those in need. For centuries his philanthropy has inspired Christians to profess their faith by helping the poor.
That is why this year our Charity organization Serbs for Serbs has invited St. Nicholas to join our traditional Christmas fundraiser so that together we can bring joy to three toddlers and their families:
- Dunja (3)
Dunja Nasković has spent her childhood in Kosovo and Metohija, under difficult conditions. She lives in the isolated village of Odevce, between Novo Brdo and Kosovska Kamenica. Until recently, Dunja and her brother, Dušan (4), lived in a converted barn where they were both born. They are being raised by their single father, Dragan, who is disabled. He started the construction of the family home, but despite his best efforts, was not able to complete it. Dunja and Darko now live in an unfinished home with no bathroom.
Our organization’s goal is to finish the Naskovićs home. The cost of the project is 12.000 Euros.
- Boban (11)
Boban Milutinović, from the Banat village of Dobrica, in the municipality of Alibunar, lives in one room with five brothers and sisters. That room is their entire home –bedroom, living room, kitchen, dining room, and in the extension is… a toilet! The walls are bare, the framing has fallen apart, in some places windows are replaced with worn curtains and blankets. The overhead ceiling is on the verge of collapse.
Our organization’s goal is to buy a new home for the Milutionovićs so that they can finally enjoy normal living conditions. The cost of the project is 20,000 Euros.
- Ivan (3)
Ivan Denkić, along with his four siblings, lives in the area of Boljevci, in the municipality of Surčin. The Denkić family became well known after the heroic action of their grandfather, Dobrivoje. As a city bus driver, he suffered a heart attack while driving a bus full of people but managed to bring it safely to a stop just moments before his death. This hero’s grandchildren, however, live in a home with no foundation, which makes the dwelling damp. As a result, the walls are cracking, and some areas of the home are starting to collapse.
Our organization’s goal is to buy a new home for the Denkićs, so that they can finally have the living conditions they deserve. This project costs 20.000 Euros.
Christmas is fast approaching. With the help of all our donors, we hope to sing in the homes of Dunja, Boban, Ivan, and the homes of the many other families who we plan to help in this Christmas fundraiser, the well-known song by Jovan Jovanović Zmaj:
Our room is warm,
Our hearts are warm,
Our brothers are wherever,
Good people are.
The candles are burning,
Straw has been strewn,
We will sing the song of Christ’s birth,
One hundred times.
Carollers have started
Open the door –
St. Nicholas has arrived!

How can you be part of our Christmas fundraiser?
Donation platform (VISA, Mastercard, Pay Pal…): http://www.srbizasrbe.org/donacije/
- Pay Pal: https://www.srbizasrbe.org/paypal-amerika
- Check to: Serbs for Serbs, Po Box 34206 Chicago, IL 60634
- all donors exercise the right to tax deductions
- Pay Pal: https://www.srbizasrbe.org/paypal-kanada/
- Check to: Serbs for Serbs Canada, 635 The Queensway, Lower Level, Toronto, ON, M8Y 3B3
- Е-transfer to: donate@serbsforserbs.ca
- all donors exercise the right to tax deductions
- Donation platform(VISA, Mastercard, Pay Pal…): http://www.srbizasrbe.org/donacije/
- SMS to 7763 (200 RSD)
- Account: 160-279491-71, Banka Intesa
- Pay Pal: https://www.srbizasrbe.org/paypal-srbija/
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*The first photograph of the text portraits Danijel Stojilkovic (3) from a mountain village of Nova Brezovica near Vranje. His family will be celebrating Christmas in a newly-built house. Now, it is time for Dunja, Boban, Ivan, and other children to feel the same!